School is off to a great start! Kids started a writing project about their summer break, can't wait to share it. There were many discussions about the new homeschool co-op, goals for the year, field trips, sports, and much more.
Everyone got back into the swing of things really well! We all missed the togetherness that we have while homeschooling!
The co-op doesn't start for another couple weeks, and it was hot, so we had our Friday elective day at the Washougal River!
So excited to see what this year has in store for these amazing kids!
We had a lesson and tribute on 9/11. We took school photos this week. Homeschool Co-Op started and the kids LOVE it! Planned and kicked off our homeschool passport fundraising sale! Please click on the fundraising tab if you'd like to support our fundraising efforts!
Everyone had a great time writing about their summer break!
They are mastering the microscope and learning how to complete lab reports! We volunteered at our church, to help with the garage sale. Zayden, Logan & Zyla got to see the Oscar Mayer Weinermobile for the first time! First full day of Co-Op classes, went so well, they are taking a wood working class and a book nook model building class! All 4 of us are really enjoying it and making new friends already! It was such a great week!
They even got wiener whistles! Can you guess the theme of the jokes this week? Don't think you're going to take teenagers to see a giant Wienermobile and have that be the end of it! Kids got such a kick out of seeing this, the driver was telling them jokes and made it such a fun experience! Now they want to travel the world in a Wienermobile!
If you're sitting next to the driver, you're riding SHOTBUN!
If you're looking out the top, it's a BUNROOF!
No need for a glove box when you have a BUNBOX!
Everyone is doing great, staying on track and excited to learn! They got to start using GDevelop, they are having so much fun learning how to navigate the program, designing creatures and building games.
GDevelop is the most powerful, open-source, no-code game engine. Make 2D, 3D and multiplayer games without limits. Publish everywhere: iOS, Android, Steam, web, gaming platforms. Reach millions of players like other hit games and experiences powered by GDevelop.
We've been spending extra time on core subjects in preparation for upcoming MAP Tests.
They made these wooden dogs in co-op. They sanded, painted and glued them. I love how they're all different and Logan's is Diesel to match Maizie's painting of Diesel.
Highlight of our week was the Franz bakery field trip, with some friends from co-op! Some of the kids' favorite facts: the building is over 100 years old, they have a bun highway that is over a mile long, they run 24/7 during their busy season, which is summer!
Environment: safety first, hot, loud and everyone had to wear hair nets!
We went to the outlet store afterwards and each got to pick out a bread item to bring home!
It was a busy week with MAP testing for all 3 kids. They all did great and tested at average or above on every subject!
We went to the pumpkin patch with our co-op on Friday!
Highly Recommend Velvet Acres Garden!
Kids got to go to Boo Bash in Camas, they also enjoyed a fun Harvest Carnival at Co-Op. We worked together to brainstorm, design and build a game for the carnival. We made a fishing game, with no water, instead of catching a Fish, everyone caught a Glow Stick! We had pajama day! We discussed Mental Health and how that affects your overall health.
Dad had the week off work, so we had a modified schedule and spent some time baking. We baked sourdough bread, pumpkin bread and banana bread. My husband is an amazing cook, he enjoys passing on family traditions!
Maizie was here for Halloween and got to spend the night! She and Dad joined us at Co-Op Friday School! She had so much fun learning what Friday school is all about and meeting the friends her siblings have been telling her about.
We had a special emphasis on politics this week. We followed the election closely and discussed the importance of educated voting.
Nov 11 - 15
We studied some common mental health issues: Anxiety, Depression, ADHD, Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy and much more.
We discussed warning signs and symptoms of mental illness.
Mental illness isn't a choice, but getting help is. There are many resources available to help with mental health issues.
We discussed ways you can help someone if they seem to be struggling with their mental health.
How other people act is a direct reflection of their own experiences and perception of themselves. Some with mental health issues struggle to control how they treat others. It's not your fault.
Weather Venes are Finished!
Hand crafted weathervanes in their woodworking class, they learned some new techniques, like dry brushing, splatter and antiquing, they all turned out great.
In addition to our core subjects, we spent a lot of time discussing what we are thankful for. Talking about the biggest blessings in life, God, Family, Friends.
"I will praise God's name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving". Psalm 69:30
Trying something NEW!!
We are considering utilizing an online platform next semester. After trying out Time 4 Learning and Mia, it was a unanimous decision to continue with Mia!
In World history Zayden has been studying the Early Modern years. In Biology he is studying the Five Key Themes. In geometry he is studying Lines and angels. In English 2 he has been reading many short stories including "A Jury of Her Peers', Stories of Edgar Allan Poe, and "A Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge". He has also been studying introduction to Poetry.
Favorite Subject - Word History
In World Geography Logan has been studying Visualizations of the Earth along with Location & Character. In Integrated Physics & Chemistry he has been studying: What is Chemistry and The Metric System. In Algebra 1 he has been studying Plotting Points and Coordinate Planes. In English 2, he has been studying intro to Greek Mythology.
Favorite Subject - Integrated Physics & Chemistry
In US History Zyla has been studying: The Earliest Inhabitants of the Americas, Adapting to the Environment and Native American Clutures. In Pre-Algebra she has been working on Adding and Subtracting positive and negative integers. In Astronomy she has been studying Science in Action and How to Think Like a Scientist. In Language Arts 1 she has been studying Foundations in Language Arts. Reading Comprehension level H she has been reading many short stores including Miss Peregrine's Home for Pecular Children and Close Reading and Chains.
Favorite Subject - US History
The Kids were absolutely thrilled their Nana came all the way from Canby to join this event at Co-Op. They had so much fun showing her around and introducing her to their friends. Nana was elated to meet their friends and see the connections they have made. We have an amazing community here at Co-Op, we are all so grateful for the new friendships that have formed. This is the last day of Co-Op for the Semester; classes will resume in February.
Kids were excited to wear Christmas Pajamas to this party and they were grateful that each one of them won a bingo prize!
In World history Zayden has been studying the Historians Toolbox, thinking like a Historian and understanding Multiple Perspectives. In Biology he continued studying the Five Key Themes. In Geometry he continued studying Lines and angels. In English 2 he is studying Introduction to the Odyssey, Odysseus Tells his Story and the Journey Home.
Favorite Subject - Word History
In World Geography Logan has been studying Region, Movement and Interaction. In Integrated Physics & Chemistry he has been studying: Metric System Conversions. In Algebra 1, he continued studying Plotting Points and started Slopes Part 1. In English 2, he continued studying intro to Greek Mythology and started a lesson on Pandora's Box.
Favorite Subject - Integrated Physics & Chemistry
In US History Zyla has been studying: The Viking Age of Exploration and The New WOrld: European Age of Exploration in the Americas. In Pre-Algebra she continued working on Adding and Subtracting positive and negative integers. In Astronomy she has been studying The scientific Method and Why Science is Important. In Language Arts 1 she continued studying Foundations in Language Arts. Reading Comprehension level H, she has been reading Ghost.
Favorite Subject - US History
Zyla & Maizie were in the Christmas Play at our church! Thank you to New Horizons staff for working with the kids on this play and for the great video! We are so proud of the girls; this was their first play! They had family come from all around to watch their debut performance!
We continued the tradition of matching pajamas, and we surprised Nana with these Nana's Kitchen shirts for the whole family. On the Front, Nana's Kitchen with five stars, on the back, Quality Control!
Lord, bless my family and children. Give them hearts that follow after you. Give my family the strength to not be afraid. Give them the courage to stand up for what is right. Produce within them an attitude of integrity, giving their lives to giving you glory. Protect each family member under the shadow of your wings. Lord, help us to find our strength in you. Increase our unity and peace as we seek to follow after you. Amen
The kids rang in the new year having a couple of their best friends spend the night, eating popcorn and having a ping pong marathon! We all had a blast!
Proverbs 3:5-6 - Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
In World history Zayden has been studying The World in 1750. In Biology he studied How Do We Know What's Alive and The Scientific Method Part1. In Geometry he continued studying Lines and angels. In English 2 he is studying Pride and Prejudice.
Favorite Subject - Word History
In World Geography Logan has been studying Land & Water, Forces within the earth, and Forces on the Surface. In Integrated Physics & Chemistry he has been studying: Structure of the Atom, and Magnetism. In Algebra 1, he continued studying Slopes, Part 2, 3 and 4. In English 2, he is studying Theseus and the Minotaur.
Favorite Subject - Integrated Physics & Chemistry
In US History Zyla has been studying: Columbian Exhange and Effects of Exploration and Other Empires Reach North America. In Pre-Algebra she continued working on Adding and Subtracting positive and negative integers. In Astronomy she has been studying Investigate and Communicate. In Language Arts 1 she is studying Journey into Narrative Writing. Reading Comprehension level H, she has been studying Element of Fiction and Bud, Not Buddy.
Favorite Subject - US History
In World history Zayden has been studying The Rise of Absolutism. In Biology he continued studying The Scientific Method Part1. In Geometry he studied Points, Lines & Planes. In English 2 he continued studying Pride and Prejudice.
Favorite Subject - Word History
In World Geography Logan has been studying Weather, Climate and Regions. In Integrated Physics & Chemistry he has been studying: Magnetic Fields and Electromagnetism. In Algebra 1, he studied Parts of Algebraic Expression. In English 2, he is studying Daedalus & Icarus and Perseus & Medusa.
Favorite Subject - Integrated Physics & Chemistry
In US History Zyla has been studying: English Colonies. In Pre-Algebra she studied Classifying Solid Figures. In Astronomy she is studying Our Place in Space. In Language Arts 1 she is studying Dynamic Characters, Engaging in Non Fiction and Core Conepts. Reading Comprehension level H, she has been studying Close Reading and Chains.
Favorite Subject - US History
MAP tests were completed this week! I am pleased with their scores and feel they are all 3 on the right track. In addition to MAP testing they worked in MIA and we had several verbal discussions about SELF.
SELF Respect
SELF Reflection
SELF Accountability
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